by Nana | Dec 26, 2022 | Around The Farm
Chickens eating eggs problem one you experience too? Let me show you the Ingenius hack we discovered. We purchased chicks in the spring of 2022, and we were looking forward to having fresh eggs again. You know you have to wait and wait till the chicks are big enough...
by Nana | Jun 25, 2022 | Around The Farm, Gardening, Survival Skills
Grow an edible flower garden! One that is beautiful to look at and smell but also one that will nourish your body as well as your soul. We are going to look at a variety of edible flowers and what other purposes they may serve. Some of these you may have believed are...
by Nana | Jun 24, 2022 | Goat Milk Soap
Memories of “you’re gonna shoot your eye out” come to mind when I think about making goats milk soap for the first time. Or really making any homemade soap. I knew almost twenty years ago now that I wanted to make homemade soap. It was while...
by Nana | May 28, 2022 | Survival Skills
Before the days of Amazon, or even the local grocer people were making soap the old fashion way. While it is easy today to run to the store and grab a bar or two or even make it yourself, the day may come when you need this survival skill. What You Need to Make Soap...
by Nana | May 9, 2022 | DIY Camper Build
We are making progress on our DIY camper project now that spring has shown up. Just yesterday we got the first of four windows installed. One would think that installing a window would be pretty straight forward. However, that was not our experience. To begin with we...
by Nana | Feb 15, 2022 | Around The Farm
As you all know by now, I love to make artisan sourdough bread at home. After years of trial and error my loaves, now, turn out consistently amazing. Yeah, I’m tooting my own horn. Yesterday, on Facebook, a friend was struggling to make artisan sourdough bread...
by Nana | Jan 3, 2022 | Goat Milk Soap
DustyFrame Shares with us her experience with how to re batch soap because it did not turn out the first time around. I have had similar problems, and this was my solution also. Here is Dusty’s story How to Re Batch Soap: I’m still learning this whole soap...
by Hartnana | Jul 17, 2021 | Around The Farm, Bees, Essential Oils, Natural Remedies
Bee sting pain – it’s the worst right? The other day I was out watering my garden, minding my own business. The grass was admittedly high, and my neighbor, God bless his soul, keeps bees. Lots and lots of bees. While I love that there are tons of bees in...
by Hartnana | Jul 8, 2021 | DIY Camper Build
We’re pretty excited about the progress on the DIY Flatbed truck camper build so far. Today we managed to attach the pillars to the floor. And have put the two pieces of floor together. Building the Pillars Each pillar was created by planing the cedar planks we...
by Hartnana | Jun 20, 2021 | DIY Camper Build
Yep, we’re gonna do it! The DIY truck camper build project has already started. In this post I plan to outline where we are in the process and the formula we plan to follow to create the flatbed truck camper of our dreams. (Hopefully this won’t turn into a...