by Nana | Jan 19, 2020 | Goat Milk Soap
Having been a soap maker for quite a few years now, I have discovered this secret almost by accident and now make wonderfully luxurious cream colored goat’s milk soap. Using this secret disclosed in the homemade goat milk soap recipe for beginners, ...
by Nana | Jan 28, 2017 | Homemade Carpet Deoderizer
This is really simple and works wonderfully, I know as I have used it in my minivan. You remember how I use my minivan to move my goats around? You don’t? Well, here is my “you might be a redneck story” about goats and my minivan. So, I don’t...
by Nana | Jan 17, 2017 | Around The Farm
Reflecting back I’ve come to realize that living the homestead life is a process of becoming self-sufficient. When I first started this journey, I had no idea goats had no upper teeth. Or how to make bread from scratch.I had no clue whether you needed a rooster...