by Nana | Feb 3, 2017 | Goat Milk Soap
When it comes to making homemade soap, once you get past the actually making the soap phase, you need to have a soap mold to pour your lovely creation into. The sky is the limit when it comes to molding your soap, you just need to follow a few simple rules. NEVER USE...
by Nana | Jan 28, 2017 | Homemade Carpet Deoderizer
This is really simple and works wonderfully, I know as I have used it in my minivan. You remember how I use my minivan to move my goats around? You don’t? Well, here is my “you might be a redneck story” about goats and my minivan. So, I don’t...
by Nana | Jan 17, 2017 | Around The Farm
Reflecting back I’ve come to realize that living the homestead life is a process of becoming self-sufficient. When I first started this journey, I had no idea goats had no upper teeth. Or how to make bread from scratch.I had no clue whether you needed a rooster...