by Nana | Jun 25, 2022 | Around The Farm, Gardening, Survival Skills
Grow an edible flower garden! One that is beautiful to look at and smell but also one that will nourish your body as well as your soul. We are going to look at a variety of edible flowers and what other purposes they may serve. Some of these you may have believed are...
by Hartnana | Nov 11, 2020 | Around The Farm, Food, Gardening
Growing microgreens indoors is a pretty simple task once you get all the items lined up. Some microgreens you can grow are actually sprouts. These are how you grow microgreens without dirt. In these times of uncertain food supply, having the tools to grow microgreens...
by Hartnana | Oct 23, 2020 | Artisan Bread
This artisan bread recipe requires only a few ingredients that go together quickly, yet produce the most amazing and delicious bread. The crust is crisp n chewy, while the crumb is soft, creamy and a bit sweet. If you start this the night before and put it in the...
by Hartnana | Oct 8, 2020 | Food, Preserving The Harvest
Today was canning center day! I was so excited I woke up at 4am to be sure not to miss our 6am appointment even though the canning center is literally around the corner from where I live. I have know about local canning centers for years, but for some reason always...
by Hartnana | Sep 25, 2020 | Preserving The Harvest
Why should we talk about dehydrating potatoes? Well for one thing I’m from Idaho. We are potato people. Which reminds me of a short story involving my family and, well, potatoes. There we were sitting in a local diner in Idaho that specialized in burgers &...
by Hartnana | Sep 11, 2020 | Artisan Bread, Food
Once you get this fast sourdough starter recipe making bread, pancakes and biscuits will be a daily thing! Making Your Fast Sourdough Starter Recipe Making a sourdough starter can be as easy as adding equal parts of flour and water to a mason jar. Cover the mason jar...