by Hartnana | Sep 19, 2017 | Bees
I remember the feeling of trepidation I had when I decided to keep bees was going to be part of my farm plan. What I really needed was a beginner’s guide to keeping bees. Instead, I found some piecemeal information and went for it. There are variety of bits you...
by Nana | Jun 11, 2017 | Laundry Soap
How to Make Homemade Laundry Soap That Works. Want to save money by making your own cheap laundry detergent? This homemade laundry soap that works recipe will make almost four gallons of fabric cleaning laundry detergent for under one dollar a gallon. Safe for all...
by Nana | Feb 12, 2017 | Shampoo and Conditioners
Over the years we have become so conditioned to purchasing our shampoo and conditioner at the local grocery story that we have forgotten the time honored, all natural shampoo and conditioner ideas that our grandmothers used to use. There are some things we need to...
by Nana | Feb 10, 2017 | Goats
One of the biggest benefits of making goat milk soap is that you get to keep a dairy goat farm. On that dairy goat farm you get to keep goats that have babies in the spring. Enjoy the photos of goats. This is Gandalph the White. He helps make spider silk. From goats,...
by Nana | Feb 4, 2017 | Artisan Bread
So, for my birthday, I decided to really dive into artisan bread making and bought myself (from my family, of course) several bread baking gadgets. My father in Law, however, took home the “best gift ever” prize when he gave me a Danish Dough hand whisk....
by Nana | Feb 4, 2017 | Goat Milk Lotion
Before we venture into this goat milk body butter recipe we need to discuss why one might not want to make body butter with a liquid. Some one was asking about a goat milk body butter recipe over on the soap making forum and was giving this information: Basically,...