
After some “locals” stopped by it occurred to me that I didn’t have any contact information on here!

So this is how you can find me:

shoot me an email!

    facebook: Hart Nana’s Goats Milk Soap Fan Page

    Etsy: Hartnana Boutique

    Pinerest: Hart_Nana

    There that should do it…look forward to connecting with you all.

    View Comments

    • For the Basil Garlic Black Pepper Bread, the instructions say to add half of the basil and garlic at one stage. Adding the other half of these two ingredients isn't addressed, as far as I can tell. The bread looks wonderful and I could pick a place in the process to add the rest, but would like to know your steps. (In addition do you have the recipe page set up for comments on the recipe? i only see the one contact link)